Our network also leads social, business and research projects on sleep.

If you wish to get involved in our research, either as a participant, researcher or project manager:

The #moresleep project

The #moresleep project

Healthcare Environment Improvement for Sleep (HEIS)

Healthcare Environment Improvement for Sleep (HEIS)


Optimizing the bed

My torso might weigh differently compared to yours. It is therefore ideal to develop a personalized mattresses that supports different areas of the body with regional specificity. We have been commissioned by a strategic partner to develop an algorithm that predicts where the optimal bed supports would be based on simple metrics.

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Optimizing the sleep questionnaire

Current sleep questionnaires are reasonably successful at identifying and quantifying potential sleep problems. However, they are very long and often scientifically worded. Here, we develop a concise machine learning based questionnaire for businesses and researchers to screen for sleep issues in the general public.


Sleep and good habits

What are the habits that distinguish a good sleeper and a bad sleeper? Here, we use an unsupervised machine learning approach to investigate the habits and characteristics that distinguish people who are content and not so content with their sleep.